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Aimee R


KS3 Science Teacher, GCSE Biology expert + DT technician!

Examiner Replies within 7 hours 116 lessons taught

Sherpa's Summary

Aimee is a great communicator by ensuring her points are delivered with precision. Her teaching experience has enabled her to develop a mixture of effective teaching methods to help support student objectives.

A bit about Aimee R

I graduated from Nottingham Trent university with a Biomedical Science degree, then trained to be a science teacher! I’ve loved my time teaching, but am currently working as a DT technician in a middle school as a way of developing my practical skills! I’m a confident, positive and responsible person, with a strong knowledge of the national curriculum, excellent lesson planning skills and enthusiasm for the subject. My degree was biomedical science, so I’m very interested in all things Biology! I specialise mainly in genetics, molecular/cellular biology and the human body, but am more than confident teaching all areas of KS3 Science and GCSE Biology. I can improve your skills in planning experiments, analysing data and proper exam techniques. My lessons are usually a lot of fun- we do a lot of retrieval practise, being able to recall key information. I like to use models to highlight learning, and often use silly humour to help remember things! As well as having an enthusiastic and passionate teacher, my students leave the lesson feeling as if they’ve achieved something- whether they’ve got a brilliant set of results from a practical, or even when they finally understand a tricky concept! I have tutored now for 6 months, and loved doing so! I can plan and deliver outstanding lessons, and can also help to provide important exam tips and revision tricks. Science is my favourite because not only do you get the opportunity to do awesome practical investigations, but the subject helps you to understand the world around you. I love knowing about how things work and why we are the way we are, and I love inspiring a younger generation in all things science! Mistakes help you to learn- if you get a question wrong first time, it’ll help you to focus your revision and it’ll stick in your brain better when you do get it right! I have loads of patience, and if it takes a bit longer to fully understand something, I’m happy to take all the time needed for it to make sense. Students know what to expect in my lessons- we always start with a recap of something we’ve already learned, followed my new information and a chance to have a go at applying what you’ve learned! I use a range of teaching techniques, from intense practise to creative expression and technology based learning. I’ve been able to build fantastic relationships with my students- they know they can come to me when they’re struggling, they know what I expect of them and they know we can have a laugh whilst being able to learn science. I have a BSc in Biomedical Science from Nottingham Trent university- whilst this focussed mainly on human biology, I am also qualified to teach other areas such as plant biology and ecology. I have A-levels in Maths, Biology and Drama, and have a basic knowledge of French and Spanish. I’m a qualified teacher currently working in a DT department, but am qualified in secondary science. I love science and I love doing practical investigations or making things! Being able to inspire our students in an ever-developing and fascinating subject area is so important to me. Over the next 100 years, technology and science are going to advance dramatically, and I’m proud to be working in a career that helps to develop young people into budding scientists who have the potential to shape our world in the future. Creativity is my passion- and when I can combine it with Science that’s even better! I love to do things with my hands, such as baking, gardening, and have recently taken up sewing/embroidery. I spend a lot of time with my friends and family, who are really important to me. I do a lot of work on mindfulness and looking after my mental health; it’s important to relax as well as work hard! I teach KS3 Science following the national curriculum, and am qualified to teach GCSE Biology. I know AQA, Edexcel and OCR exam boards well, including the discrepancies between them and the exam techniques needed to succeed. I would be more than happy to teach A-level biology, but have not had much experience here.

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Subject Rate
Common Entrance (13+)

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