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Yu, G


English Tuition, especially for Chinese speaking students (英语学习辅导)

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A bit about Yu, G

Having obtained my first degree (Honours) from Zhejiang University, I came to Britain to study in 1988 and have lived and worked here ever since. I have lectured on management science for 8 years full-time in a UK University after working a number of years in the manufacturing and IT sectors. 本人浙大毕业后获奖学金,于1988年留学英国,曾经在制造业,IT业界工作,2004年获英国Stirling大学博士学位,2005年起受聘为英国Stirling大学管理科学全职讲师,2013年从大学辞职和朋友合伙从事定制旅游。 My focus is on developing listening and speaking skills. As an experienced father and lecturer, I take a patient and yet firm approach to teaching. I am good at listening and clear in explaining where I come from. I am keen to share my own experience as a student of English from the past, and share my lived experiences and observations of all aspects of life in the UK. 我重点帮助学生提高口语听和说的能力。作为两个孩子的父亲和曾经在大学全职任教的老师, 我会发挥倾听和解释的特长,同时作为曾经学习英语的过来人, 我希望把自己精通英语的经验和秘诀传授给年轻一代, 我也希望把我在英国生活的很多日常信息和学生分享。 I got my first degree in science (Earth Sciences) from Zhejiang University, a top university in China. I also have an MBA degree and a PhD in management science, both from UK universities. Together with my wife, I have successfully brought up two children, one having graduated as an electrical and mechanical engineer, and the other studying law and accountancy in a top UK University. Thus I have a good understanding of the UK education system from primary school to university. 本人拥有浙江大学理学(地球科学)学士, Heriot-Watt大学工商管理硕士MBA以及Stirling大学管理科学博士学位。我和妻子一起育有两个孩子, 大的孩子获得电子机械工程连读本硕学位,已经参加了工作,小女儿正在英国一个顶级大学攻读法律和会计本科学位。通过孩子教育和本人在大学的工作经历, 我对英国教育体制有全面深入的了解。 I hope to pass on years of learning and plenty work and life experiences to the younger generation. 我希望把平生所学和自己有幸获得的工作和人生经验传授给下一代。

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Subject Rate
English as a Foreign Language EFL

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