Business Studies



Business Operations


What is total quality management?

2 years ago


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1 Answer

William Onsarigo Ombongi

What is total quality management (TQM)?

Total quality management is a tool which most successful organizations utilize in their operations to ensure sustainable quality as the firm grows. It is one the tools these effective organizations use to involve everyone in the overall quality improvement process in all aspects of their business activities.

in view of the above, it is clear that the key principle in the total quality management approach is the strong belief that every employee in their business organisation has a significant contribution to make to the overall quality of the finished product or service.

As a result, total quality management is not a technique, rather, it is a philosophy of quality being each employee's responsibility. It requires the organisation culture to be set-up in a way that enables employees treating each other as internal customers and therefore create departmental relationships that target the highest standards expected by their customers.

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