English Literature





How is Hyde’s incivility emphasised in ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’? Give an example of language used by the author

3 years ago


1 Reply




Lucas Olson

1 Answer

Nora Mohamed Abdou

Stevenson presents Mr Hyde as a frightening outsider through the exorbitant use of animalistic imagery. During the Victorian era, Darwin’s theory of evolution struck confusion yet was equally viewed as a revelation. Stevenson reflects this secular viewpoint through Mr Hyde who ‘gave an expression of deformity’. Mr Hyde’s character is granted an inexplicable appearance which chills the very spines of strangers. The word, ‘deformity’ alludes to a malformation to his countenance. The ‘impression’ he gives off, forces people in the novella to steer away from him and practically he radiates a sense of horror. In addition, his appearance is described as ‘downright detestable’ and the use of alliteration brings a sense of prominence to Hyde’s fear-inducing and evil character. The semblance Mr Hyde’s character portrays is so frightening as it embodies primitivism that is highlighted in Darwin’s controversial theory. The idea that his visage is so extremely terrifying and unusual, emphasises the severity of his looks. Due to everyone avoiding him, it is inevitable that he would be seen as an ‘outsider’. 

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