


Descriptive Language


What is an Onomatopoeia?

3 years ago


244 Replies




Dolores Haley

244 Answers

Deborah E Profile Picture
Deborah E Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

English Literature and Language tutor.

When a word is a sound, for example, 'knock knock', 'snap', or 'creek'. When used correctly, it can make your writing more engaging.

'The door opened' can be 'The door creaked open'

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Ifza Bibi

it is when words mimic real life sounds such as bang! Crash!

it is used to add a dramatic effect

Nicole Batley

Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it means. For example, buzz, crash, bang, pop.

Istifanus Danassabe

An onomatopoeia refers to the practice of naming something based on a phonetic (spoken) imitation of a sound associated with it. It can also refer to a single word of this kind: Hiss is an onomatopoeia. 

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