




How would you write 22/6 as a simplified mixed number?

2 years ago


3 Replies




Arielle Boehm

3 Answers

Thomas W Profile Picture
Thomas W Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Qualified Maths Teacher

I would first look at how many times 6 goes into 22.


22/6 = 3 remainder 4

This is because 3 X 6 is 18 and then you have a remainder of 4 to get to 22.

To write this as a simplified mixed number write 3 2/6

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Natasha C Profile Picture
Natasha C Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Qualified secondary school maths teacher from KS3 to GCSE (Edexcel)

find out how many times 6 goes into 22, without going over = 3

what is the remainder? = 4 so the remainder is 4/6

then you would need to simplify the 4/6. what times table has both a 4and a 6 in? = 2

so divide both numbers by 2 = 2/3

final answer 3 2/3

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Charlotte West

Firstly we want to work out how many whole sixes are in 22.... 6, 12, 18. So there are 3 full set of six, plus 4 left over.

To right this as a mixed number we would write the number of full sets of 6 plus any remaining in a fraction. So, 3 full sets with 4 left over would be 3 4/6. This can then be simplified to 3 2/3

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