Sherpa has released a completely free-to-use GCSE revision planner tool to help students plan their sessions and track their progress in each topic. Click here to create your customised plan today!
A revision timetable is an essential tool for any student. They are great tools to reduce anxiety and stress about upcoming exams, optimise focus and manage your time more efficiently.
In theory, laying out an exact plan of how you are going to cover all the topics needed before exams is a surefire way to release some nerves and get a grasp of the challenge ahead. The problem is when it comes to executing the revision plan!
Everything looks better on paper than in reality - so it was a mistake I made once too often to think if I could draw out a schedule to cover a day's revision for each subject and pretend that I would stick to it and reach my goals. Oh how wrong I was…and by that point, it was too late to do anything but panic.
So what are the options? What sees the best results? I’m going to explore the traditional revision timetable and its issues and introduce a more dynamic alternative that I think we should all be suggesting to friends, students and children alike.
This is your traditional revision timetable that consists of a calendar-like grid with each day split into blocks of time. Sometimes hour-by-hour, sometimes morning afternoon and evening or it was just one subject per day and the rest was up to you!
One thing they all had in common, at least in my day, was that they wasted a lot of time (and paper) as you tried and failed to work out what subject or topic goes where - and how many times you should repeat that subject before the exam date. Of course, a priority was to ensure it was done in technicolour!
Although the technology of making them may have evolved, there are several things wrong with them that technology could never solve. It’s why I only saw the best of the best and most organised students make use of them - and who knows to what effect.
Here’s why I think they are fundamentally flawed:
With that said - I think it’s time we all admit that a revision timetable that functions more like a class calendar is simply outdated at best - but if it has been working for you and serves you well, by all means, keep it up! There is not much need to rock a boat that floats.
For everyone else who's always struggled to make a traditional timetable stick let me introduce its younger, top-of-the-class, Oxford graduate cousin: the retrospective timetable!
A retrospective timetable is a planning tool often used by students to help them stay on track with studying and meeting deadlines. Unlike a traditional timetable that schedules future activities, a retrospective timetable involves tracking what has already been completed.
It’s called retrospective because it focuses on looking back at past actions like homework, past papers or textbook exercises to guide future decisions on what to prioritise.
This can be a useful tool for students who may struggle with sticking to a planned timetable that they have to work out before they even start revising and would benefit from a more flexible, topic-centred approach to time management.
In essence - a retrospective timetable is not too dissimilar to a traditional prospective timetable. In place of dates down the main column, we replace them with subject topics.
Rather than putting a topic in each time block like a traditional calendar-style timetable, you just add the dates you revised a certain topic to the corresponding row and colour code it to represent how comfortable you feel with that topic.
It’s important to reflect on this honestly, asking yourself: If the exam was tomorrow how would I feel about a question that came up on this topic? For that reason - it’s important to only make these progress reports in exam conditions. For example, when you have tested yourself in a closed book exercise, used flash cards or tried past paper questions without needing help.
You can create your own colour code with up to 5 levels, but we recommend keeping it simple with a traffic light system:
Red = Really Struggling - Only getting the odd question right.
Orange = OK - Still don’t remember a lot of content and losing marks.
Green = Good to go - I’m getting close to full marks in every question.
Using the dates and confidence levels is what makes this method so effective. You can decide what to revise based on whether a topic hasn’t been revisited for a week or so, or if you can see that a topic is still red - then you should prioritise that until it is at least orange.
There are several reasons this new method is proving to get results for those who know about it:
It can take a while to set up for all of your subjects but this only needs done once! I still used this method in my university course and it was so helpful, that I feel like I need to share this secret!
To save you the hassle, feel free to use our basic template for popular GCSE subjects with some examples. Click the image below and make a copy for your own Google Drive!
It helps to have some basic knowledge of how to fill in and format a spreadsheet on Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. They are all similar in how they work.
Otherwise, you can just use a table on a Word document! If you need some assistance, ask your online tutor, teacher or parent on help on how to organise all of your topics.
Once complete, it’s super easy to use it to track revision of any kind, which gives students the confidence that they are making progress.
Some quick links to relevant core subject tutors:
One of the main benefits you will find is having a very clear layout of the task at hand that you can refer back to regularly. I found it quite motivating as I ended up carving out small increments of time to revise whenever I could, just to get the satisfaction of checking off another revision session.
It doesn’t help anyone to glance over topics thinking “I know that!”, to then get to revision much later on and realise there is a lot more to cover than you scheduled for in your head. I’ve been there - exam panic sets in and the subsequent feelings of dread and avoidant behaviour - something to be avoided at all costs!
This method gently introduces accountability to the revision planning process without making you do mental gymnastics to create a traditional plan weeks or months ahead in the future. All you need - is a list of your topics, a table and a will to succeed to get started.
For that reason - I recommend setting it up as soon as possible in the Autumn term once you know all the subjects and topics you are studying. It’s daunting to see the volume of knowledge teens are expected to absorb every school year, but productivity tools like this can turn any average student into a superstar in the exam hall. I wish you the very best of luck!
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