Business Studies



Business Operations


What are the dangers of poor customer service?

1 year ago


3 Replies





3 Answers

Alexander S Profile Picture
Alexander S Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Experienced and patient Economics and Business Studies Tutor

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Hi Jazmin

There are a few dangers to providing poor customer service:

  1. Dissatisfied customers are less likely to make a purchase or repeat a purchase
  2. Poor customer service can lead to a company gaining a bad reputation either by word of mouth or customers and potential customers discussing them on social media

Both of these can lead to a business having fewer customers which will negatively impact their sales revenue

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Erin Kennedy

When a business provides bad customer service it is likely to impact the brands reputation and in turn brand image

Joel Lim Profile Picture
Joel Lim Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

experienced tutor for STEM and Business Studies

Poor customer service will generally leads to dissatisfaction in customer which can possible leads to a worsen reputation that can spread from mouth to mouth. In the longrun it will leads to a fall in revenue due to lack of customer as they tend to switch to rivalry company with better reputation.

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