America 1789 -1900
Why did th...
2 years ago
5 Replies
Quinn Collins
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9 years tutoring. English Masters Degree. Engaging, flexible tutoring.
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In many ways cotton was as sought after a resource as oil is today. So the Confederates seized this opportunity. Confederates placed an embargo on cotton exports in the summer of 1861. In order to starve the world of cotton, in hopes this would help further their ambitions.
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They hoped to put pressure on Britain and France, in particular, to recognise them diplomatically which would put pressure on the North. Their textile industries were heavily dependent on American raw cotton and the economies of e.g. Lancashire would suffer (and did suffer) very badly without their supplies. The intention was that they would offer to lift the embargo when the foreign governments recognised them. This would then allow them to trade more freely, and particularly, they hoped, by the materials (e.g. iron, weapons) they needed to win the war.
It failed. The French seriously considered extending diplomatic recognition, but the British refused and the French would not act without the British. Instead, failing to export cotton helped destroy the economy of the Confederacy and was one reason why they printed over $1 billion in paper money which led to enormous levels of inflation.
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.In an effort to force the British and french government to support the confederacy during the american civil war. Since Britain and France relied heavily on the southern cotton trade, the confederacy assumed that restricting cotton trade would automatically provide european support.
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The south had control over the cotton industry in the US, which was a crucial driver in America’s economic prosperity, particularly since many major cities in England depended heavily on American imports of cotton such as Lancashire in the north of England. The importance of the cotton industry in the south was therefore a powerful bargaining chip when secessionists from the southern states began jostling for independence from the north, leading to the Civil War in 1861. By banning cotton exports, the southern states believed they could induce England and France, who depended heavily on these exports, to support their demands for secession, in return for resuming trade with these nations.
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.In 1861, the South introduced a ban on cotton exports as part of a strategy to leverage cotton as a diplomatic weapon during the American Civil War. The idea was to pressure Britain and France, both major consumers of cotton, into recognizing the Confederacy and supporting their cause. By withholding cotton, the South hoped to create a cotton shortage in Europe, forcing these nations to intervene and provide military or economic support to the Confederacy. However, the strategy ultimately backfired, as Europe found alternative sources of cotton, and the South's economy suffered from the loss of export revenues.
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