


Statistical Sampling


What is an outlier?

3 years ago


5 Replies




Torrance Flatley

5 Answers

Richard A Profile Picture
Richard A Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Primary Teacher with 15 years teaching experience. 11+ tuition.

Now that is a question! A value that lies outside e.g. is much smaller or larger than most of the other values in a set! Hope that helps!

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Taeyoon K Profile Picture
Taeyoon K Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

PhD Imperial | UCL| Featured in BBC and local news

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It's a data point which does not follow the trend (set by rest of the data).

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Jack Smith

An outlier is a point of data that does not fit the general trend of the data it has been collected with.

Pongphatana Puttima

The data point that is significantly different from the other point (anomalous point). Sometimes this might occur when there is a systematic error on the experiment

Findlay Blackman

An outlier is a data point which is more than 1.5 times the interquartile range above the third quartile or below the first quartile

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