What do pa...
2 years ago
9 Replies
Roy Jerde
9 Answers
Passwords place a defence between an unauthorised user and your account. This is to prevent anyone from accessing your data.
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Passwords prevent unauthorised users from accessing your account and getting a hold of your data and information.
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Unauthorised access to devices or data.
They help to prevent anyone from accessing information that they shouldn't be allowed
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Unauthorized access
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Data theft and computer misuse. People will not be able to use your information for their own benefit.
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.Passwords help to prevent unauthorized access to systems, files by providing a means of authentication before gaining access.
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Passwords help to prevent unauthorised access to systems, data and files; they should be changed regularly (for example once a month) and should contain a combination of upper case (capitals) letters, lowercase letters, number(s) and symbol(s).
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