




How do you multiply with powers?

3 years ago


3 Replies




Mia Jacobson

3 Answers

Tara S Profile Picture
Tara S Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

An experienced and enthusiastic tutor with a PhD in Molecular Biology

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As long as the base numbers or letters are the same, powers can be added when multiplying.

a² x a² --> 2 + 2 --> a^4

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Ros N Profile Picture
Ros N Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Experienced School Teacher witH PhD .Can teach up to degree level.

Hi, I’ve got my scribblelings on the topic here. I think the bit you want is at the top.!AokvFO_BUHb2iDZmmktZHXla5t1h

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Eshaa Profile Picture
Eshaa Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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If the base number is the same, then the powers can be added together.

3^2 x 3^3 =


However, if the base numbers aren't the same, then you need to make them the same so that you can add the powers together.

9^2 x 3^4 =

(3^2)^2 x 3^4 =

3^4 x 3^4 =


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