


Positive and Negative Integers


What does a dot over a number mean?

3 years ago


3 Replies




Lilla Yundt

3 Answers

Tom Hughes

A dot over a number means it is recurrent and will be the same infinitely. If it is a group between dots then those numbers will repeat in the same order in the same way as a single number

Richard A Profile Picture
Richard A Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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All that means is that a number repeats forever! The dot above the number shows which number will reoccur!

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Shamim H Profile Picture
Shamim H Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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Dot over number means, this number is reoccurring, the number repeats itself, for example 1/3 .... can be written in decimal form as 0.3 but as 3 repeats itself the Three will have a dot over it.

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