How would ...
3 years ago
2 Replies
Brock Hilpert
2 Answers
Primary Teacher with 15 years teaching experience. 11+ tuition.
When you divide a number by 10, each digit moves one place to the right to make it 10 times smaller. So write the number 468 as 468.0. Then move each digit to the right to make the number 468 ten times smaller. The answer of course is 46.8!
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468 is 468.0 When dividing by 10, all you have to do is move the decimal point one place to the left, so 468.0 BECOMES 46.8. If you were dividing by 100, 100 has 2 zeros, so move decimals point 2 places to the left - 468 divided by 100 = 468.0, move decimal point 2 places to left - gives you 4.68 - Just pay attention to the zeros.
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