




What is a factor?

3 years ago


2 Replies




Tianna Heathcote

2 Answers

Richard A Profile Picture
Richard A Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Primary Teacher with 15 years teaching experience. 11+ tuition.

Wow! Now that's a great question! factor is one of two or more numbers that divides a given number without a remainder. I hope that helps!

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Shamim H Profile Picture
Shamim H Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Experienced Maths Teacher (16 yrs) & Examiner for 2 Major Exam Boards

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A Factor is a number that divides in to another number leaving no remainder.

For example: Factors of 36

When doing factors try to do them in pairs, for example if you think 2 is a factor say to yourself ''what times 2 to give 36'', it is 18 so you can write 2 and 18 as a factor pair. Try to also start from 1 times table and work your way up so you do not miss any factors out.

So Factors of 36 are:

1, 36

2, 18

3, 12

4, 9


Notice you do not write 6 twice.

Square numbers will always have one factor with out a pair.

I hope you found this useful.

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