The Sherpa Blog

STEM, Education and Online Tutoring News from the Sherpa Team.

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The 12 Steps of Christmas Holiday Revision - Our Guide
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Russell Kilgour

2 years ago

Don't just Ho-Ho-Hope for the best! Let us guide you on how to strike a balance between festive fun and exam revision this holiday season.
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5 Tips to Stay Positive Around Your Studies
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Being positive can make you enthusiastic about your studies, and more importantly; you can develop into a highly motivated student.
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The Best Resources To Boost Your GCSE Grades
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Struggling to find the best resources to help you out with your studies? Look no further, let us guide you through the best of the best in online study support.
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COP26 x Education
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Climate change is a worldwide issue that we cannot hide from, it should be dealt with, with the utmost urgency and importance.
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5 top techniques to help manage your time (and studies)
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Being inundated with work can make it harder to stay organised and know what to study at the right time. But don’t fear, this blog outlines multiple ways to keep on top of your workload.
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10 of the Best Educational Podcasts and Audiobooks
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

The bandwidth of human knowledge has increased tenfold since the invention of television. You can absorb knowledge with any combination of educational audio content available online.
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5 Influential Extracurricular Activities to Help with Student-Life Balance
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Every student has a different personality and set of traits that will help them excel in particular areas. The importance of nurturing each individual to blossom into the best and most comfor
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How maths and physics are intertwined in our daily lives
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Do we experience maths and physics in our everyday life? Are we remotely aware of their impact on trivial tasks? Can we become more conscious of the role they play and open ourselves up to th
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5 Scintillating science experiments you can do at home
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

One of the best ways to learn is through hands-on experiments and practical work. They are fun, engaging and some even get the adrenaline pumping. Science has a unique mystical flair.
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7 Underrated skills that will boost your grades in class
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Work smarter, not harder is a phrase that people use as a joke when they feel as though they are cheating the system. But it should not be misconstrued as a myth, it does sometimes work!
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7 Most Important Benefits of Tuition
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Whilst school has its positives; carefully curated, structured and engaging one-to-one tuition help students understand their shortcomings in an open and honest way.
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5 Reasons becoming a part-time tutor can lead to a fulfilling career
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Winter is fast approaching. The days are getting shorter and the opportunities to continue enjoying the sun after 4.30 pm are dwindling.
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5 Great Ways to Keep Your Brain Active Over the Summer Holidays
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

Learning shouldn't be considered a chore! Having an interest in areas that you may not get a chance to cover in school is a great way to be a lifelong learner and keep your intellect sharp ov
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How To Write The Perfect Essay
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

For most people going through college or coming towards the end of secondary school, they are going to come face to face with many essays. Knowing how to write a good essay is key to making s
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Do Plants Boost Productivity in a Workspace?
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Jamie Gibbs

3 years ago

Trying to be productive in a work environment is one of the key issues many people face on a regular basis. Some common reasons are due to a work overload, poor working environment or general
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