The Sherpa Blog

STEM, Education and Online Tutoring News from the Sherpa Team.

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The Best Subjects to Teach Online
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

Just like their students, every teacher has a favourite subject. Some of them are childhood favourites that have stuck with them all along, some of them may be their favourite to teach becaus
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4 Reasons Why Your Child Should Study Over the Summer
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

A long Summer does not just create a pause in learning, it can also diminish any skills that have already been learnt. This refers to the common term “if you don't use it, you lose it!”.
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How to Make Your CV Stand Out - For Current Students
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

Applying for a job is always a constant worry; and it often begins with your Curriculum Vitae (CV). Such concerns are often associated with your CV layout and how to apply your educational an
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Why Start an Online Tutoring Job?
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

For teachers looking for part time work, private online tutoring is the obvious choice. It is incredibly quick and easy to get set up and then the job can be completed around your existing sc
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How Online Tutoring Works for Students with Special Needs
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

At Sherpa, we understand that every student’s tutoring preferences are different; and it may be difficult for some more than others to achieve these online. The coronavirus pandemic has forme
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Why you should consider becoming an online tutor
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

Are you a teacher or a personal tutor? Do you enjoy helping people? Why haven’t you become an online tutor yet? There is a site out there for everyone to become an online tutor. Depending
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Online Safety for Parents and Children
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

‘Screen time’ is always a constant worry around parents - especially when it's online. Parents & children can use these tips to draw their own plans for achieving online safety.
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Read Around the Topic - GCSE Physics. Does the Big Bang Provide Enough Evidence for the Origins of the Universe?
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

How was our universe created? The secular perspective includes matter and subatomic particles coming together to expand and explode creating the universe. Others argue the non-secular theory
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Learning about Autism: Autism Awareness Month
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3 years ago

Autism is a condition which means a person’s brain works differently to other people’s and affects the way they experience the world around them.
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You Can Lead a Child to the Library, But You Can’t Make Them Read: How to Cultivate a Positive Attitude to Reading.
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Vicky Loftus

3 years ago

I’ll admit it, I was never a child who struggled with reading, I always loved it and I found it as easy as breathing. This isn't the case for everyone growing up, but it's a skill you can lea
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6 Tips to teach pre-schooler children English as a second language
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Lisa Butterworth

3 years ago

Teaching your children English as a second language can help create a wealth of opportunities for them in the future. The key to your child mastering a second language is to teach them at the
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GCSE Chemistry - Crude Oil and Hydrocarbons: What is Crude Oil and How Do We Use It?
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

What is crude oil? What is it used for? How do you break crude oil into multiple fractions? These are all questions that spring to mind when exploring fractional distillation and combustion.
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5 Tips for Your Child to Make The Most of The Return To School
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

5 useful tips that will ensure your child gets the most from returning to school. Use these tips to boost grades and use all of the resources available to them. Face-to-face teacher time is p
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How to Build a Standout Professional Teacher Profile Online
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

Your digital teacher profile is more important than ever right now. Schools and recruiters are spending more time researching online and interviewing candidates remotely. Whether you are acti
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What is Newton's Second Law? And How is Stopping Distant Effected?
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Sebastian Owen

3 years ago

Newton’s Second Law discusses the forces of momentum are dependent upon the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object. If the force acting on the object increases, the acce
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