The Sherpa Blog

STEM, Education and Online Tutoring News from the Sherpa Team.

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10 tips for tutors and teachers to stay motivated in the classroom.
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

We have outlined 10 tips for teachers and tutors to keep motivation levels high.
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7 Ways To Improve Your Child's Attitude Towards Homework
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Homework is never nice to do. After spending a day grafting at school, one of the last things students want to do is transfer that home to the dining table or desk.
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How are exams different in 2022?
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

2022 brings the return of every student's favourite villain, which make Thanos look tame in comparison. Exams.
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How to Study During the Half Term Break | Kickstart Guide
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Is this a catch-up week or are you planning to do work every day of break? It's important to relax - but also keep up the habit of learning!
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The Ultimate Guide to the 11+ Entrance Exams | 2024 Entry
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

The ultimate guide for you on the 11+ exam, the opportunities it presents, and the best way to approach it to ensure that your child passes and is accepted into the right secondary school.
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Music whilst studying? The good, the bad and the ukulele
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

We all have our own different methods of studying and revising. Some people work with music in the background, from lo-fi beats and jazz to rap.
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What is the equation for Photosynthesis?
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, bacteria and photosynthetic protists produce chemical energy (ATP) from light.
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Why we should be learning Mandarin
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Whether you are new, a complete beginner; or just looking for a new hobby, learning Mandarin can be a fantastic way to boost your confidence and gain respective occupational opportunities.
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7 Reasons Why Mock Exams are Super-Important
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Mocks linger in this strange ethereal realm between importance and neglect in a student's mind. But over the last few years, the importance of mock exams has grown significantly.
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The 12 Steps of Christmas Holiday Revision - Our Guide
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Russell Kilgour

2 years ago

Don't just Ho-Ho-Hope for the best! Let us guide you on how to strike a balance between festive fun and exam revision this holiday season.
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5 Tips to Stay Positive Around Your Studies
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Being positive can make you enthusiastic about your studies, and more importantly; you can develop into a highly motivated student.
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The Best Resources To Boost Your GCSE Grades
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Struggling to find the best resources to help you out with your studies? Look no further, let us guide you through the best of the best in online study support.
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COP26 x Education
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Climate change is a worldwide issue that we cannot hide from, it should be dealt with, with the utmost urgency and importance.
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5 top techniques to help manage your time (and studies)
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

Being inundated with work can make it harder to stay organised and know what to study at the right time. But don’t fear, this blog outlines multiple ways to keep on top of your workload.
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10 of the Best Educational Podcasts and Audiobooks
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James Gurnett

2 years ago

The bandwidth of human knowledge has increased tenfold since the invention of television. You can absorb knowledge with any combination of educational audio content available online.
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