


The Periodic Table


The most metallic element?

2 years ago


60 Replies




Jaclyn Carroll

60 Answers

Madusha Denawaka

The most metallic element is francium (Fr) however, it is man-made and the naturally occurring element is cesium (Cs) 

Sandeep N Profile Picture
Sandeep N Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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Francium. A metallic character is defined as the tendency to donate electrons. Being at the bottom of group one francium has large atomic radii hence the least effective nuclear charge and greatest metallic character.

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Oyawuyi O Profile Picture
Oyawuyi O Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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Francium is the most metallic element on earth

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Benyameen Ali

Caesium is in face the most metallic element - we can determine metallic characteristic with the general trends of the periodic table metallic properties increase down the groups of periodic table and along period from left to right. The group 1 metals also known as alkali metals are the most metallic elements

Ruhi Shah

Most metallic element is Francium, Fr. It's atomic number is 87. It is extremely radioactive; its most stable isotope, francium-223, has a half-life of only 22 minutes

Sarah C Profile Picture
Sarah C Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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Metallic character increases as you move down a group and decreases as you move from left to right across a period. Therefore, the most metallic element is found in the lower lefthand side of the Periodic table. Francium is the most metallic man-made elememt and Caesium above it, is the most metallic natural element.

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Charles Fon Abi

The most metallic element is francium. However, francium is a man-made element, except for one isotope, and all isotopes are so radioactive they almost instantly decay into another element. The natural element with the highest metallic character is cesium, which is found directly above francium on the periodic table.


The metallic character of an event is dependant on its ability to lose its outer electron and how easily it can lose its valence electrons. The metallic character of a metal also increases as you would move down the group because the atomic radius of the atom increases which means there is more distance between nucleus of the atom of an element which makes it easier to lose valence electrons which is why Cesium is the metal with the most metallic character because it’s at the bottom of the group 1 metals.

Shabaz M Profile Picture
Shabaz M Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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Arguably Francium, but it is man-made so Cesium would be the most metallic naturally occurring element.

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Gurdev Kaur

The most metallic element in the periodic table is Francium (man-made).

Sandhya S Profile Picture
Sandhya S Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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The most metallic element is Francium

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Pournami Sudes

Francium is the most metallic element

Sam Khalil

Silver. Conductivity is ranked against silver since it is the most conductive element. It abides by the definition of a metal more than the other elements

Manoj Janga

Francium (if we include man-made elements), or Cesium (if otherwise)


Man-made= francium however, naturally occuring= caesium

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