Plot and Interpret Graphs
When a lin...
3 years ago
60 Replies
Antonietta Nikolaus
60 Answers
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By a line going up on a graph, if your referring to correlations, then a line in the diagonal upwards direction would mean a positive correlation.
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.The equation of the line has an increasing gradient.
(Assuming it’s a straight line going from bottom left to top right) it means that the line has a positive gradient and shows that there’s a positive relationship between the 2 variables
This means that as x increases, the y is also increasing. So it is a positive slope meaning an increase
Hi Antonietta,
that means the line of the graph has a positive gradient. Therefore, as the value for x increases the value of y also increases!
This means the slope is positive
Strong correlation
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It means that gradient and rate of change is positive. The y values increasing with x values.
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It is positive slope which means that as the input (x-axis) increases so does the output (y-axis). In other words when x is bigger than y has to get bigger.
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.It means that the line has a positive correlation
When a line on a graph is going up, it means that there is a positive gradient
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That the graph has a positive gradient
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.It means the line has a positive gradient and that the rate of change of the y component increases as the x component increases.
when a line is going up, it means the gradient is positive so the 'm' in y=mx+c is positive.
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Positive gradient or positive correlation
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