


Positive and Negative Integers


How do you multiply fractions?

3 years ago


3 Replies




Scotty Runte

3 Answers

Andrew B Profile Picture
Andrew B Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

University lecturer in maths and statistics

To multiply fractions, you multiply the two numerators together, and then the two denominators, and use these as the resulting numerators and denominators.

For example, to multiple 2/3 and 2/5, we multiply:

2x2 = 4, which is our numerator, and

3x5 = 15, which is our denominator.

This then gives us the fraction 4/15

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Richard A Profile Picture
Richard A Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Primary Teacher with 15 years teaching experience. 11+ tuition.

What I usually do is multiply the two numerators. After that I multiply the two denominators. After that, If I can, I simplify the new fraction. Hope that helps!

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Shamim H Profile Picture
Shamim H Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Experienced Maths Teacher (16 yrs) & Examiner for 2 Major Exam Boards

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Multiplying Fractions is the simplest of the lot.

  1. Multiply the numerators
  2. Multiply the denominators.
  3. Simplify your answer.

If you have mixed numbers its to turn them in to improper before multiplying.

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