


Positive and Negative Integers


What is the first significant figure of any number?

2 years ago


3 Replies




Caleb Cummings

3 Answers

Andrew B Profile Picture
Andrew B Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

University lecturer in maths and statistics

The first significant figure is the first number that is not 0.

For 100, the first significant figure is 1, for 0.06, the first significant figure is 6, and for 0.000345, the first significant figure is 3, for example

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Shamim H Profile Picture
Shamim H Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Experienced Maths Teacher (16 yrs) & Examiner for 2 Major Exam Boards

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The first significant figure is the first digit that is NOT zero and then the Zero start getting counted.

For example 0.005006

First Significant Figure is 5 and the second is the zero after 5 and the 3rd is 0 and the 4th is 6

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Liz R Profile Picture
Liz R Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Enthusiastic, Patient, Maths Teacher with 30 Years Experience.

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The first significant figure of any number is the first digit that is not zero. So in 0.023 the number 2 is the first significant figure. After the first non-zero digit any further zeros in a number are classed as significant.

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