




How would you find 110% of 500Kg?

3 years ago


25 Replies




Nicolas Bradtke

25 Answers

Benjamin S Profile Picture
Benjamin S Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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10%=50 100%=500. Put them together 110% =550

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Sebastian Tempest

Hi Nicholas!

The best way to work this out, is to break in down into parts.

We have two parts here, 100% and 10%. As we know 100% of 500kg is just 500kg. That part is now done. Now we need to work out 10%. 10% is the same as one tenth of 500. So if we divide 500 by 10, this gives us 50. We now have 10% of 500. We simply add these two numbers together now, to get 550KG.

Hope this helps!


Vicky Miller

Step 1: find 10% by dividing the number by 10

500 ÷ 10 = 50, so 10% of 500kg is 50kg

Step 2: Now we know what 10%, we can multiply it by 11 to find 110%

50 x 11 = 550 so 110% of 500kg is 550kg

Gulgun C Profile Picture
Gulgun C Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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Whenever you're given an amount in a question that amount is always a representation of 100%, unless otherwise stated. Therefore we know 500kg is 100% and we only need 10% of 500 added on.

There are actually a few different ways of doing this and all are fairly straight forward.

1) Work out 10% of 500 and add it on to the original 500:

A shortcut for 10% of ANY number is just that number divided by 10.

So 10% of 500 is 500 divided by 10 which = 50

Therefore 110% of 500 is 500 + 50 = 550 (in percentage that correlates to 100% + 10% = 110%)

2) Another method which requires a slightly deeper understanding of percentages, but can ultimately be a lot quicker, especially in calculator questions, is using a 'multiplier' to get directly to your answer.

A multiplier is just a fancy word referring to a number you need to multiply your original value by to get directly to your answer (in this case 500 is our original number)

To put it simply your multiplier is your percentage but in decimal form. To convert ANY percentage into a decimal you just divide the number by 100. In this case we do 110/100 = 1.1

So 1.1 is our multiplier.

All that's left to do now is 500 x 1.1 = 550

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Hanford Barola

To find the 110% of 500kg. We must first know that 110% is just equal to 1.10 if converted to its number form.

So out question now becomes what is 1.10 of 500kg. Which is just 500kg x 1.10 and it is equal to 500(1.10) = 550.

Therefore the 110% of 500kg is 550kg.

Shemoley Profile Picture
Shemoley Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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100% = 500kg

10% = 50kg

110% = 550kg

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Roshan D Profile Picture
Roshan D Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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Find 10% of 500 Kg.

This is easy, it involves dividing the 500 Kg by 10, which gives you 50.

Then add the 50 onto 500 Kg to give you 550 Kg. This is equal to 110% of 500 Kg.

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Mari Tomos

Please see the explanation below:

Ramez Mikhael

500=100% and 10% of 500 is 50kg so 110% of 500kg will be 500+50= 550KG

Charlie Layburn

The Crazy Decimal Rule!

With any number, you can write it with a decimal point and as many zeros as you like afterwards.

Let's look at this in action:

6 can be written as 6.0 or 6.00 or 6.000

50 can be written as 50.0 or 50.00 or 50.0000

25 can be written as 25.0 or 25.0000 or 25.000000000000000000000! (Ahhh!)

Try and see how many ways you can write the number 40 in 1 minute!

Remember this crazy decimal rule as it will help us when finding 10% of something.

The 10% rule

The rule with 10% of a number is you shift the decimal point to the left once. So 50.0 becomes 5.00 or just 5. 500.0 becomes 50.00 or just 50. 6000 becomes 600.0 or just 600. So 10% of 500kg is 50.0 kg or just 50kg. We've moved the decimal to the left once.

The 100% rule

You know when you're playing a game and it says 100% complete. It's the same with numbers. 100% of a 5 is 5. 100% of 60 is 60. When it's 100% of number think of it as being complete. Therefore 100% of 500kg is 500kg. Easy!

What about 110% then?

We're looking for 110% which of course is 100% + 10%.

We know 10% of 500kg is 50 kg. We know 100% of 500kg is 500kg. So let's add them together. 50kg + 500kg is 550kg.

110% of 500kg is 550kg.

Bish! Bash! Bosh! Done! :D

Megha W Profile Picture
Megha W Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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A quick way to find the answer would be to find 10% of the number first. To find 10% you divide by 10. When you divide 500 by 10, it becomes 50. Now, you know that 100% of 500 would always be 500 and you now also know that 10% is 50. Now you can the 10% to the 100% and figure out 110%. In this case it will be 500+50, 550.

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Zoe Cohen

The first step is to work out what 10% of 500 is. To do this we need to divide 500 by 10, as 10% is one tenth of the whole weight. 500 divided by 10 is 50.

The second step is to add the 10% to the figure of 500, as 100% of 500 is 500. Therefore we have 110% = 100% + 10% = 500 + 50 = 550.

Aniqa Khaliq

Hi Nicolas,

The symbol % means 'out of 100' so to calculate 110% we can do the following:

100% of 500kg = the full amount = 500kg

10% of 500kg = 10/100 of 500kg = (10 divided by 100) multiplied by 500kg = 0.1 x 500kg (or 1/10 of 500kg) = 50kg

So 110% of 500kg = 500kg + 50kg = 550kg

Kyhl D Profile Picture
Kyhl D Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

HI. I am Kyhl. I am currently a tutor at an FE college - here to help!

We know that 100% of 500kg is 500kg.

10% of 500kg is just dividing 500 by 10 and we can do this by placing our imaginary decimal point which sits at the end of 500.(kg) and moving it one place to the left = 50.0 (kg) so 10% of 500 = 50.

We can see that now we have the values of 100% and 10% to make 110%. All we need to do now is put the two values together to give our answer. 110% of 500kg = 500 (kg) + 50 kg = 550kg

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Holly D Profile Picture
Holly D Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.

100% is 500kg.

You need to find what 10% of 500kg is and then add it onto the 100% which we know is 500kg.

To find the 10% to a whole tens number we can simply take off a 0 leaving us with 50.

500 + 50 = 550kg

110% of 500kg = 550kg

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