


Writing Essays


What does PEED stand for?

2 years ago


25 Replies




Gabriella Marquardt

25 Answers

Mandeep Chahal




Develop on your point

Victoria B Profile Picture
Victoria B Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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PEED stands for Point, Evidence, Explanation, Development. It's a nifty little anagram to help you answer any question in an English exam - first you should state your point at the beginning of the paragraph; for example, that you think the author is attempting to build a spooky atmosphere. Second, you should find your evidence in the text and quote it so that the reader knows what you're talking about; for example: "The windows of the house seemed to watch him like hollow, lifeless eyes." Third, you should explain your point, perhaps by talking about the use of simile and adjectives in the aforementioned quote. Finally, you should tie this back to the essay question, which might have been something like "What sort of atmosphere does the author attempt to create in this chapter, and how do they do so?"

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Krissi Profile Picture
Krissi Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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PEED stands for Point, Evidence, Explanation and Develop.

What are you trying to say?

How do you know it?

Why do you think this?

Why should the other person agree?

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PEED stands for Point, Evidence, Explanation and Develop.

The point means to state your argument or point of view of what you are trying to answer. The second, is evidence. So you must choose a particular quote that shows this point you are trying to explain from the text. You will then explain how this example backs up your point and how it does this. This will then be developed in your final statement to discuss further interpretation, discussion points or effects it may have on the reader or the text or piece of writing.

Nasiba Babadjanova

point, evidence, explanation

Rebecca Profile Picture
Rebecca Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Qualified English teacher with 10 years + experience

Point, Evidence, Explain and Develop.

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Sarah B Profile Picture
Sarah B Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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Good Afternoon,

PEED is an acronym used to teach students how to write responses to questions in paragraphs. The acronym stands for Point, Example/ Evidence, Explanation and Development. There are several different versions of this acronym.

  • Point - This should be one key idea that a student wants to say
  • Evidence - one or more quotes to support the student's argument.
  • Explanation - The student should explain their evidence and link back to the question.
  • Development - The student should explain what the effect on the reader is, or the writer's intention

I hope that this is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions you may have.

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Katerina Sopidi

Dear Mrs Gabriella Marquardt,

Thank you for posting your question. I would love to help out, please see my reply below.

PEED stands for Point - Example - Explanation - Development

It's a memory technique to be able to recall what you need to do to answer a question in a complete way that will support your ideas and skills.

Many people when writing an answer to a question, even not during exams, they get panicked or confused and miss important points that can help support a great answer. Remembering this technique is the key to unlock your potential. See the bullet points to understand in detail what the words mentioned above and used for the abbreviation mean.

  • Make your POINT to answer to answer in 1-2 sentences. 
  • Give an EXAMPLE from the extract (like a quote or small description) 
  • EXPLAIN how your example supports your point. 
  • DEVELOP your point - this can involve the effect on the reader, the writer's intention etc

Remember this technique can also be found as PEE (Development not included), PEEL (L is for Link back to the question - and for linking ideas and make comparisons), PETAL (Point - Evidence - Technique - Analysis - Link), PQAZERD (Point - Quote - Analysis - Zoom - Explain - Respond - Develop), SEXIOWL (Statement - Evidence - X-planation - Inference - One-word focus - Writer’s intention - Link), PEAL, PETER, TEPAE and so on. There can be as many abbreviations as you like and that, in my opinion, is the reason a lot of debate goes on online about how helpful it can be or not depending the level someone works in English.

My suggestion is use this and any other technique you like as long as you feel creative and not restricted by its terms. The number 1 skill is resilience and achievements are directly linked to that no matter the context.

Hope this helped! :)

Ms Kat Sopidi

Adam W

PEED stands for Point, Evidence, Explain and Develop. This acronym is designed to help a student to structure their paragraphs in a clear and effective way.

P stands for Point, what are you trying to get across with this paragraph? For example, here the student opens their paragraph by making a clear statement: "Priestley explores social class in An Inspector Calls through Mr. Birling’s comments about his workers, showing disdain for their value as individuals."

E stands for Evidence, how can you prove this point? Evidence can be taken from the text in the form of a quote, for example, "This can be seen in the way that Mr. Birling views Eva and his other workers: “we’ve several hundred young women there... and they keep changing.” 

The second E stands for Explain, why does your evidence prove your point? Now is your chance to point out to the reader why you believe this quote proves your opening statement. Continuing from above: Clearly, this shows that Mr. Birling sees little value in the individuals that work for him, who as members of a lower class, are numerous and expendable."

Finally, D stands for Develop. As in - develop your point a little further. Is there an element of language use, choice of device or a specific element of the evidence you have chosen that more acutely drives your point home? In the case of J.B. Priestley's character, Mr. Birling, there is, "The choice of the adjective “young” to describe the women that work for Mr. Birling implies a further age and gender-based dimension to the issues of social class that Priestley attempts to highlight. These women have a certain place, due to their age, gender and social class, and that is certainly of a lower standing than the Birling family according to Mr. Birling."

Richard A Profile Picture
Richard A Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Primary Teacher with 15 years teaching experience. 11+ tuition.

A great question! It stands for point, evidence, explain and develop! Hope that helps!

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