


Algebra & Functions


What will appear on our formula sheet for Edexcel exams?

2 years ago


8 Replies




Jolie Terry

8 Answers

David B Profile Picture
David B Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

GCSE / National 5 Maths, Edexcel, AQA, SQA. Qualified Head of Maths

3 reviews

All the information will be on the exam boards website. In the last few years it has understandably changed a few times so worth keeping up to date with announcements. Start here Summer 2022 support | Pearson qualifications

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Ibrahim Aziz

This is a link to the formula sheet:

Carl Rodgers

The formula sheet will have a full list of all formulae that you are expected to be able to use as set out in the syllabus.

The booklet itself (which you can download online if you want to have a look), is divided up by exam. While it looks extremely complex, note you are not required to memorise any of it, focus on understanding how to use the formulae will make the formula sheet really useful in the exam. It's worth getting comfortable with it, great question!

Sanat B Profile Picture
Sanat B Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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You can see this on the Edexcel Maths website

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Neha J Profile Picture
Neha J Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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You can actually find the formula sheet online on the Edexcel website or just by Googling 'Edexcel A Level Maths formula sheet'. I would attach it for you both link doesn't seem to be working.

An example of subjects it covers includes, the quadratic formula, probability formulae, trigonometric identities, common integrals and differentials,

Hope that was helpful!

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Theo Coleman

This is the same every year, if you google edexcel maths formula sheet, it should come up

Jacob Profile Picture
Jacob Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Imperial 2nd year Medical Biosciences with 4 years tutoring experience

1 reviews

here is the formula sheet that you will have in your a level exams. If you sit only a level maths you can ignore the further maths sections. But you will need some of the statistical tables

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Melissa D Profile Picture
Melissa D Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

Maths teacher of 12 yrs, committed to delivering personalised sessions

Answer for A Level.

There is a link to the A Level formula book here - Formula Book - A-Level Maths Edexcel 9MA0 - StudyDex

This varies for AS and A2. Once you have completed the A2 course, you get formulae for mensuration, arithmetic and geometric series, binomial series, logarithms and exponentials, trigonometric identities, differentiation and integration, numerical methods and some formulae for Statistics and Mechanics. Make sure that you familiarise yourself with the formula book so that you know what you get given and what you need to learn yourself. Although you are given some of the formulae in the book, you may be asked to prove/derive this, so do learn this, for example, proving the sum of an artihmetic series.

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