


Rates of Change


How do you find the rate of change?

2 years ago


174 Replies




Vickie Shanahan

174 Answers

Harris Asghar

divide the change in y-values by the change in x-values

James Mcfarlane

Rate of change of what?

The rate of change of anything is usually given by its end value, minus its start value, divided by time

for example momentum=0 at t=0s, and momentum=5 at t=10s, rate of change = (5-0)/10 = 5/10 = 1/2

An Nguyen

rate of change = (change in quantity 1)/ (change in quantity 2)

Soufyan Soogun

Find the change in y, and divide it by the change in x!

For example...

On a graph, we may find two points (5,4) and (6,8).

We can calculate rate of change by taking the x values (5 and 6), and finding the difference between them (6-5=1). We do the same for the y values (4 and 8), with the difference being 4.

Therefore, the rate of change = 4 / 1 = 4!

Angie Muyeke

The rate of change can be found on a straight-line graph by selecting two coordinates and dividing the change in the y-values by the change in the x-values. This can be shown in the formula : m = y2-y1/ x2-x1 with m representing the gradient of the straight-line. Additionally, x and y can be two different variables and the formula is used to calculate average speed or average velocity.The rate of change of a straight line is equivalent to the gradient of a straight line graph. However, we use differentiation with non-linear graphs to find the rate of change at a particular point. This is another topic in itself.

Hannan Raja Abdul

Rate of change generally refers to how something changes with respect to something else. For example, velocity is the rate of change of distance with respect to time, and acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

Stavros Savva

Divide the change of one variable with the change of the other variable

Faizan Ahmed

For a linear set of values the rate of change will be the change in y-values divided by the change in x-values in other words the gradient of a straight line. In the set of values relating to a curved line the rate of change on each point can be found by differentiating the equation of that curve and using the values of x of the point you need to find the rate of change at.

Donovan Maddock

This is an easy thing to find out. If you have a straight line on a X-Y graph, the formula you would use is y=mx+c. The rate of change is m in this formula is is how steep the line is . To calculate m for this formula you choose two separate points on the line (taking note of their X-Y coordinates). Then you take the difference between the y coordinates then take the difference between the x coordinates. Then you take these two numbers and divide the difference between the y coordinates by the difference between the x coordinates. This will give you the steepness of the line which is m in the formula of a straight line.


Rate of Change = (Change in Output) / (Change in Input)

  • Change in Output: This refers to the difference between the final and initial values of the quantity you're measuring (often denoted by y).
  • Change in Input: This refers to the difference between the final and initial values of the independent variable (often denoted by x).


The rate of change of a quantity is found using calculus, specifically by finding the derivative of the function that describes the quantity with respect to the variable of interest.

For a function y=f(x):

  • The rate of change of y with respect to x is given by the derivative dy/dx
  • This derivative represents how y changes as x changes.

Aishwarya Bandaru

The rate of change is also known as the gradient or slope.

Rate of change = (change in quantity 1) / (change in quantity 2)

Given 2 points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), the rate of change between them is:

Δy / Δx = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)


The change in the y axis divided by the change in the x-axis

Stuart W Profile Picture
Stuart W Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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The Rate of change (ROC) is the increase or decrease of one value related to another value.

The speed of a car for instance is the distance covered divided by the time taken.

In mathematics this can be the gradient of a graph in general terms.

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Jennifer A Profile Picture
Jennifer A Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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We can find the rate of change by calculating the gradient of the curve or line. We identify two points on the line. Next we find the difference in the y-axis points and divide by the difference in the x-axis points. E.g. (Y2 - Y1)/(X2 - X1)

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