Descriptive Language
What langu...
3 years ago
90 Replies
Oma O'Reilly
90 Answers
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Language techniques can be so powerful! They can persuade, advise, inform and, as you rightly say, make your writing more dynamic and engaging.
Consider the standard toolbox of techniques to start with. Something as simple as an adverb, or adjective can conjure up some fantastic imagery to really allow the reader to make their own picture in their mind. Personification can be used to boost that imagery and give a sense of place and purpose. Remember, personification is the art of giving voice or agency to inanimate objects; one example might be to describe a tree as 'tall, towering and chucking in the wind.'
Similes allow comparison, using 'as' and 'like' to create emotional connection and help the reader identify with the language. Metaphors, which are used to describe something as though it is actually something else, can also be used to heighten tension, create comparison and makes writing a bit more engaging.
Onomatopoeia can be used too; remember, this means you are using a word that almost sounds like a certain action; bang, crash, splash or whoosh for example.
Hyperbole (exaggeration) can really heighten the drama, tension and even the comedy in a piece, giving a really strong narrative viewpoint.
Finally, consider the benefits of higher level vocabulary to engage, provoke thought and grip your reader. Good luck!
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Using descriptive language by the use of adjectives, similes, and imagery is a good way to start! Once you feel comfortable with this, using emotive language will boost your writing even more because you are showing the reader/examiner that you can also give ‘emotions and feelings to your character and story!
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Use "Language Bounce Creative Writing" with a partner or a tutor - or if you are in a group use the "One Word Story" idea - both can involved the tutor/teacher and/or another person or people. If a tutor is involved, he or she would initiate the process by starting with a word- spoken and/or written down on the board. Then the baton is passed to another person in the room, who then adds another word - so for example if I start with the word "HAMSTERS" , you, the next person says "ARE" and the next person says "VERY" and so on. The only rule is that there must be a grammatical collocation between the words. The is activity lends itself to group or pair work creativity, is great fun, and can be used as a springboard to creative writing, especially after a group feedback is carried out on the whole "HAMSTER" story, suggesting room for improvements, expansion and text development
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.Hello Oma! To make your writing more engaging and reader friendly, I suggest using transitional signals at the beginning of each paragraph of your writing, using clift hangers to keep the reader interested and curious of what will happen next, and finally, if you want q more adavanced tip, you can always be obscure in your writing to get the reader to be more involved! Hope this helped!
Best regards,
Mr. Saad
English Writing Specialist | Helped hundreds of students see progress!
Hi there! There's a variety of techniques you can use. It depends on the kind of writing you're doing, but here are some simple ones you can weave into your writing - this works especially well for narrative writing. (:
I hope this helps! ((:
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To make your language more engaging, try to draw your readers into the scene. Although it may seem counterintuitive, this is not by long passages of description using adverbs and adjectives.. Rather, it is by using appropriate verbs, a variety of nouns, and where necessary, adjectives. Adverbs have their place, but shouldn't be used in every sentence. Advice to authors who are trying to get published (and it's a good idea to aim high!) is to use around one adverb every three or four paragraphs, maximum. This is because, the adverbs slow down the action, and actually can detract from what you are saying. If there isn't action in your piece but it is just a description, using more imaginative verbs, nouns and adjectives still makes for a more engaging and interesting piece. Let's give some examples.
The sun shone brilliantly on the elegant little town of Bashville, nestled comfortingly in the hollow of a hill. The warmly inviting buildings boasted many delights inside, meals cooked lovingly, baths run maternally, rooms displayed decoratively and intruiguingly in pink and green.
OK. While this passage may at first glance look interesting and well written, let's try to make it a little more engaging.
Bashville. A hamlet stowed like a bird's egg in the nest of a hill. The buildings look so inviting, they could just as well have their doors flung open to welcome you. Take a peek inside. You will see home cooked meals prepared by flour-covered mothers, steaming hot baths waiting for children's muddy bodies at the end of a play-filled day, rooms which becken you with walls patterned in pink and green, with a mish-mash of matching furniture to compliment.
The second passage is longer, but draws you more into the picture. We have replaced many of the adverbs with more appropriate verbs.
A simple way to do this is this easy exercise.
Try to find a way to say these sentences using a verb instead of a verb and adverb and a description:
The man walked slowly and confusedly across the road.
The man stumbled across the road.
Your turn
The man walked across the road without a care in the world.
The woman turned around swiftly.
The dog lashed out aggressively.
Bob was absolutely useless at Maths.
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.Use a range of techniques which will transport the reader into the situation you are describing. If this is creative writing, the acronym GOMASSIVE is really helpful. Group of three, onomatopoeia, metaphor, alliteration, simile, senses, imagery, vocabulary, emotive language. Not to mention that personification and pathetic fallacy are also wonderful techniques! Really bring everything to life.
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You should use a range of devices such as; metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, alliteration, speech, personification and assonance. A range of different sentence structures also helps to improve the quality of your writing. If you are being assessed and you are given a text to read and answer questions on, look out for the devices used in the text and mimic them.
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.What language technique makes your writing more engaging? Answer: the rhetorical question!
Using a well-placed rhetorical question can cut through even a wordy essay and help your reader focus on the pith of your argument. It also helps you, as a writer, to focus your ideas into a single question that you can answer clearly.
Top tips:
Here is an example of me using a rhetorical question in the introduction of an unpublished essay on morality in literary classics, where I used Wuthering Heights as a case study:
Critics and students alike are both drawn to and troubled by Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights because of its lack of what David Cole describes as a ‘moral centre’. He recounts ‘the despair of a bright student who exclaimed, ‘Where is its moral centre?’’ and who then ‘went on to argue that Wuthering Heights failed as a novel because in fact it had no moral centre’. Indeed, many critics identify this resistance in the novel to a single moral interpretation, yet most follow this statement in the same manner as Cole: ‘But perhaps this moral centre may be found by pursuing…’ Rather than adding to this ever-growing quantity of interpretations that such an open text can easily support, it is perhaps worth paying attention instead to the text’s exclusion of a satisfactory or consistent moral reading, especially given Frank Kermode’s argument that this ‘plurality of meaning’ is what makes Wuthering Heights a ‘classic’. This quality is one that Emma Smith calls ‘gappiness’ and identifies it as a defining feature of Shakespeare and the reason behind his literary prestige: ‘ambiguity is the oxygen of these works, making them alive in unpredictable and changing ways’. If a lack of a moral centre is part of what elevates a text to ‘classic’ status, then what can be said about the relationship between literature and morality?
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Hi Oma,
There's loads of great advice in this thread already, so I'll just add a few tricks from my toolbox as a poet.
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.Hello Oma. A good place to start would be by looking at whether your sentences are too long and overly academic. To help the reader engage with your writing, consider shortening your sentences (particularly those longer than 20 words). Save your most powerful content for concise phrases that will really stand out rather than being drowned in a sea of words. It's all about getting the right balance as you don't want to sound too long winded, but neither should your paragraphs be made up of staccato sentences that have no flow.
I hope that this has been of some help.
David McCormack
English and History tutor
To make your writing more engaging, consider using the following language techniques:
Experienced English Language, Literature & creative writing teacher
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Especially for poetry or stories it can help to use metaphors, similes, personification and so on, just to create a more engaging or ‘unique’ perspective to your writing! Good luck! ☺️
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Click here to view my profile and arrange a free introduction.Hello Oma - In order to make your writing more engaging you should begin by considering the reader as they are much more likely to be engaged if your piece feels relevant to them. Be clear about what you want to say and spend some time planning before you make a start. A strong introduction should serve as the shop window for your piece as the reader should be able to see your clear signposting and outline of the structure. If you are writing a creative piece be descriptive, invoking multiple senses by immersing the reader in the sights, sounds, scents, tastes, and tactile sensations of your story. Don't forget to create intriguing characters who evoke strong emotions through their actions/voice. For answering essay questions, make your writing flow by using connectives and signposting. The reader should know that you have not just read, but have also understood the question. Your introduction should indicate that you have a thesis statement developed from the question. Remember to use PEEL paragraphs. Point to the question, provide Examples, then Explain their relevance, and finally, Link back to the question. By using this method your essay will remain focused and in doing so will engage the reader.
You should try to include a range of devices such as; adverbs, adjectives, metaphors, similes, onomatopoeia, alliteration, speech, personification and assonance. Using a range of different sentence structures also helps to improve the quality of your writing.
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