




What is a metaphor?

3 years ago


56 Replies




Lawrence Jacobs

56 Answers


A metaphor is a literary technique whereby two unrelated things are compared in a direct manner, and without using ‘like’ or ‘as’. An example is ‘The sky is raging’

Megan Beech

A metaphor is a literary technique and an example of figurative language. It is when you describe an object as something else e.g. 'You ain't nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time'. The woman Elvis addresses the song too is not literally a dog but by comparing her whining to that of a hound he creates a vivid image in the listener's imagination.

Zhanetta Rodgers

The metaphor is a literature tool or an instrument that uses when we need to compare something with something.

Cian K Profile Picture
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A metaphor makes a direct comparison between two things by saying that one thing, often the subject of your story or poem, *is* another thing. An example might be, 'The man was a rabid dog.' The man is not actually a dog, but by saying that he is, the author is saying that he has many of the attributes of the dog (for example, wildness, unpredictability, violence).

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Sandie Craig

A metaphor is a figure of speech which describes something by comparing it to something else- for example - they were as alike as two peas in a pod.

Krissi Profile Picture
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Metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren't alike but do have something in common.

Unlike a simile, where two things are compared directly using like or as, a metaphor's comparison is more indirect, usually made by stating something is something else.

We use context clues to make sure of the meaning.

Context clues - using words, sentences and meanings around a word, that you are not sure of, to figure out the meaning.

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Holly G Profile Picture
Holly G Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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A metaphor is when the writer gives a description of something by saying it is the same as another thing. For example: “the sun was a football in the sky”. Is the sun really a football? No, but here the writer means the sun looked like a football. People often confuse a metaphor with a simile. A simile is when the writer says that something is LIKE another thing and a metaphor is when the writer is saying it actually IS another thing. You can remember the difference by thinking that a simile is similar and so a metaphor is.

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Ana-Maria Nicolae

Metaphor is the figure of speech that goes from the literal to the figurative meaning of a word and gives special features through an implied comparison, in which the specific terms are missing. For example, "A wave of terror washed over him." The terror isn't actually a wave, but a wave is a good way of describing the feeling.

Elizabeth J Profile Picture
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  • A metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison. Metaphors are used in communication to help illustrate or explain something by comparing it to something else. Some popular sayings are metaphors; an example would be: Hope is on the horizon. Hope is an intangible thing that doesn't live along the horizon. This metaphor indicates good things are in the future.

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Dan B Profile Picture
Dan B Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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A metaphor is one kind of figurative language. It makes a direct comparison of two unlike things. You can tell the difference between a metaphor and a simile because a simile uses the words “like” or “as”, and

a metaphor does not. Metaphors often usually use a form of the verb “to be”. The verb can be in the past tense (was, were), the present tense (am, is, are), or future tense (will be). An example would be: The laundry was a mountain on the couch, and I had to fold it all!

Connecting the laundry to a mountain, something understood to be huge, emphasises the fact that the chore is a large one. 

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Sophie P Profile Picture
Sophie P Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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A metaphor is a language device which says that one thing is something else, but literally it is not. For example: 'he has a heart of gold'. This cannot literally be true, but saying that his heart is made of gold creates a new meaning - he is very kind and compassionate.

This is a type of figurative language.

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Danielle M Profile Picture
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A figure of speech that highlights a similarity between two different things by stating that one thing is another.

A metaphor, like other word pictures, can be understood by identifying three elements: the topic that is being discussed, the image or concept that the topic is compared with, and the specific point of similarity between the two things being compared.

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A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used to an item or event that it does not actually refer to.

Favour Chris-Chuku

Hello Lawrence! Here’s the answer to your question;

Metaphor: A word or phrase for one thing that is used to refer to another thing in order to show or suggest that they are similar.

Metaphors are a form of figurative language, which refers to words or expressions that mean something different from their literal definition. In the case of metaphors, the literal interpretation would often be pretty silly.

Some examples of how metaphors can be used include;

Work today was a nightmare!

Love is a battlefield.

You are my shining star.

Ruqaiya J Profile Picture
Ruqaiya J Verified Sherpa Tutor ✓

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A metaphor is a language technique used to emphasise the concept being written/spoken. This is done through the comparison of one entity to another e.g. "my son is a lion", implies that the son is brave as a lion as it is known for its bravery. Notably, this does not mean that the son is literally a lion. So a metaphor is just a figure of speech that helps emphasise the importance of things being talked about. For this reason it is often used in writing and in speech to help create more powerful sentences that really emphasise the importance of the points being made.

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